Women’s Safe House – Update #26

The building was already looking impressive at the beginning of August . . . . .

. . . . . and good progress has continued through the month, with the walls on the third level going up

The project is getting closer to the third floor slab

Formwork is completed, and the slab will be poured in the next few days

Women’s Safe House – Update #25

July has seen continued excellent progress. At the beginning of the month, the large second floor slab was poured.

Plastering began. The interlock brick walls will remain exposed.

The third floor columns were started.

By the end of the month, plastering was progressing well . . . . .

. . . . . and the next level of walls was underway.

Women’s Safe House – Update #24

Soon after the middle of June, the second floor is now virtually complete, and tied into the grade beams of the third floor.

Approaching the end of the month, you can see the third floor tie in of the grade beams behind the shear wall.

The next suspended floor slab will soon be ready for pouring

Women’s Safe House – Update #23

By the second week of June, excavation for the upper portion of the building has started.

The second floor interlock walls are now complete. It is really good that this is all done prior to the monsoon season!

The second floor is beginning to transition into the third floor, as it steps into the slope.